video help


We went from Facebook to Instagram to Snapchat to Periscope. What we see here is a transition from words and images to just images to now video. With information at our fingertips, the attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Videos are getting more and more important. Some of your target market much rather watch a 30 second video about your business than to try to navigate your website to get a deeper knowledge of your business. Don't make them search for it. 

Either have a video about your business or pick a few topics of your expertise that are interesting and make a video about it. This, of course, will depend on your industry. Be careful of talking heads and rambling. Have a plan, have an outline and execute it. 

Don't just take my word for it.

By 2017, Online Video Will Make up Nearly 70% of Consumer Internet Traffic-Cisco

 "Most of Facebook Will Soon Be Video. Twitter Is Launching Twitter Video, Periscope, and Vine. Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Etc. Have All Prioritized Video" Founder of EpicSignal, Brendan Gahan, predicts an already evident increase in videos on social media channels.