
Top 3 PR Mistakes Businesses Make

1. Relentless Cold Calling

Yes, there are still businesses out there that cold call. You may even receive a few here and there. While personally, I do not recommend it, if you feel you must cold call, have a plan and do not even try calling the person more than once a month. There is a point where it could seem like harassment, then not only do you lose connectivity and warmth, you also lose credibility. Need a plan? 

Relentless Cold Calling


2. Shoving your business in their face

Unless they ask, please don't shove your card in their face. The worst thing you could do, even at a networking event, is, "here's my card, give me yours, thanks." Unless, you are not interested in doing business with them, you're collecting cards for your boss (which you do not like very much), or you're a list builder, please refrain. Would like tips on turning strangers into prospects?


3. Business Page, Too much Business

Well of course post about your business on your business page, but be careful not to over do it. Some Facebook Business Pages have almost every post about their business. Yes, I understand you are trying to promote your business, but be careful, it's comparable to relentless cold calling and shoving your card in someone's face. Tips on warm posts?