
Public Relations?

Public relation

Build Relationships

Identify your target audience. Where do they go? Develop a relationship with them. In the same breath of relationships, value your customers feedback, positive or negative. 

social media

What is going on in the media?

Some may not have a problem with this one, but if you are like me, time is something very hard to find, and I have to make it a point to check out social media, exploring new events, offers and trending topics. You could find bloggers, reporters etc who write about specific industries. Who are they? Write them an email, invite them to one of your events, nurture these relationships. 


Clickworthy Content

Write about something interesting. Period. 


Stand out

As a business, it needs to stand out. Look at your logo. Your website. Does it stand out? Connect to your target audience, not only as a business, but as a person. Follow other companies, maybe not your competitors, but you get the idea. 

usefull & useless board

What is working? What is not working?

Some techniques work for some businesses and some do not, always evaluate what is working and what is not working. If you are not going to hire a PR team, at least have a plan. Adjust what is working and what is not working and move on.