Ten Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions and How to Keep them

1. Exercise More

Exercising is one of the most popular resolutions for 2022. People overeat at Christmas time and then head to the gym to exercise to get healthy for the New Year. For this reason, they will always choose exercise as a common New Year’s resolution.

2. Lose Weight

Another popular New Year resolution is to lose weight which goes right along with exercising.

3. Get Organized

Getting organized is a big resolution people will make in 2022. They want to discipline themselves and use their time more wisely and efficiently.

4. Learn a New Skill or Hobby

A common resolution people will make is to learn a new skill or hobby. This is especially true with people who are retire

5. Live Life to the Fullest

In other words, go out and have a good time while you can. Live life to the fullest while you are here because you only have one life. However, this needs to be tempered. Some people can spend all their resources on having a good time or engaging in unhealthy activities that could make them ill. Therefore, temperance is the best option— have a good time but keep it in a balance.

6. Spend Less Money and Save More Money

This translates to the same thing because you will naturally save more money when you spend less money. People want to have more of a nest egg these days to save for a rainy day. An excellent option for saving money is putting it into a retirement account or a savings account that will yield healthy interest. Having Savings can help to pay the mortgage and car loans off quicker. Also, you can save for your retirement.

7. Quit Smoking

In a world where people are moving toward healthier lifestyles, many wish to quit smoking in the New Year. This is beneficial on at least two fronts— It will help people to save money because cigarettes are expensive to purchase these days. Also, they will live longer and healthier when they quit smoking. This is because not smoking reduces their chances of having heart trouble or contracting cancer, especially lung cancer.

8. Spend More Time With Friends and Family

This couldn’t be a more relevant resolution in this digital age. Everyone communicates by phone, internet, or over  social media— there is little live human interaction anymore. People are more isolated today than they have ever been in the history of the human race. Spending more time with family and friends will make us a lot healthier if we communicate in real-time. People have realized they need to have live interactions with other human beings.

9. Travel More 

What could be healthier than to get out into the world and travel? This is a popular resolution in a time when people have been confined to their homes because of the pandemic. People want to get out and see new places and experience new adventures.

10. Read More

Reading more is a very relaxing way to spend your time. It allows people to let their imaginations loose, and It takes the pressure off. While reading, people can enter another world and forget about their current problems.

Tips to Keep Resolutions in Place

1. Prepare Mentally for Change

Rehearse what goal changes you want to make in the New Year, reflect on where you want to be at the end of the year, and set goals to reach during the year. This way, you will be focused on your resolutions every day. Also, celebrate the small victories you achieve along the way in reaching your ultimate goal to completely fulfill your resolution.

2. Set Goals that Inspire You

If you set a resolution that motivates you then you will set goals that motivate and inspire you to want to reach the goals.

3. Put the Resolutions in Your Phone

Everyone carries phones around everywhere they go. So, why not write those resolutions and goals on your phone. This way, it will be a swipe away every day.

4. Limit Your Resolution-Making

Don’t make 1000 resolutions, but the number of resolutions you can realistically keep during the year.

5. Make Your Goals Specific

Don’t just set general resolutions, but set specific resolutions that you will pan out. Also, set concrete goals.


Setting New Year’s resolutions and goals to keep those resolutions on track is healthy. Therefore, you can set your resolutions then follow the above tips to make those resolutions become a reality.