Elliot Middleton: A Local Hero

Elliot Middleton is the epitome of what a hero is supposed to be in this modern individualistic world; the world needs more people like him. He owns the “Middleton and Village BBQ Restaurant”. He has impeccable BBQ skills, and he was told by local residents to put his BBQ skills to work. Consequently, he entered a BBQ contest and walked away with the first prize but this should be no surprise since he was a local BBQ maestro. Then, he proceeded to take his winnings and pour them into a local thanksgiving bash.

When He Sees a Need He will Meet it

When he sees a person with a need to be filled in the local community, he will meet it. He lives in a remote rural community in every sense of the word; the nearest local gas station and Dollar General store are 15 miles away. Anyone without transportation would find it very hard to get around and purchase food or gas, but Elliot also takes care of those problems.

He Gives away Vehicles by the Truckload

He is a skilled mechanic who puts those skills to very good use. He uses his spare time to repair and restore old vehicles in the local graveyard. He will take a useless vehicle, breathe new life into it, and give it away to people in need. Now, these people would have a way to get around, thanks to Elliot’s generous heart. Also, he doesn’t charge for repairing the vehicles and has made a lot of people happy and productive in the community. Elliot has helped many people who couldn’t travel to work get around and get to work. His generosity goes beyond his local sphere of influence because these people can now have an income they can pour back into their community.

He Helped a Local Woman in Dire Need

On Christmas day, Elliot surprised one resident, Melanie Lee, by showing up unannounced at her front door. What happened next was unexpected; he handed her the keys to a refurbished 1993 Oldsmobile for free. Her son was ill, and she had to drive back and forth for two hours to the hospital to visit her son. Unfortunately, he passed away, and her car, a Tahoe, broke down from all the driving. She had never met Elliot before, yet he gave her a car to replace her broken-down Tahoe. Melanie said he was a godsend. His father was a local hero as well; he would fix old vehicles and give them to people in need. Elliot followed his father around when he was young; it's no wonder he turned out this way. This was one of the 33 cars he had given away to people who needed vehicles.

He Trades BBQ Ribs For Cars

Elliot trades a plate of ribs to anyone who will give up an old vehicle, and he even funded a campaign to trade ribs for old cars. This trade is how he accumulates all the old vehicles he has. ''You don't have a car, you don't have a career. How will people who have no reliable buses, no Ubers, travel to the city, where they would be able to find bigger jobs at the port authorities or manufacturing centers?" Middleton told CNN. "They can't walk 40, 50, 60 miles to great jobs; they have to settle for small-end jobs that pay well below what they need to survive."

Think About It

Elliot Middleton is a hero in South Carolina because he trades plates of ribs for old cars, repairs them, and gives them a way to people who need transportation in rural South Carolina. He has collected 100 cars and repaired 33 of those 100 cars. He is a famous man around town, and some prestigious websites have recognized Elliot as a genuine local hero.

Do you know a business or someone that has a business that you consider a local hero?

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