The Four Pillars of Content
The first pillar is the hook that grabs the attention of your target audience and evokes an emotional response. The second pillar is having a brand element that sets you apart from others. It can be a sound, a logo, the way your website is set up, anything really. The third pillar is value where you get the opportunity to bring value to a person or group of people you are marketing your business too. Last but not least, the final pillar is consistency and building the traction of more engagement on your social media account.
Everyone is so caught up in ads
One thing that should be known is ads are not content or at least the right content. Content should have value and if you use too many ads you give off an “I am just looking for profits” vibe. You can post ads but so many that it looks like your selling something. What you really want is to create an experience that drives in traffic and interest to what you are selling. Its like elementary school when your teacher told you to show not tell.
Campaigns and Public Relations
Campaigns like the definition of Public relations has no finite definition or answer. There is no magical formula to go by when increasing your online following or gaining earned content. What you’re really doing is trying to sell an experience, something consumers can see introduced into their day-to-day life.
Building Relationships through easy questions and intense listening
Asking easy questions in the beginning in the first step when bettering the relationship between the company and the client. But what follows after is intense listening to each and every detail that is expressed to cater to key performance indicators and new details because even though you may think you know everything about your consumer’s world, they know you don’t know everything about their world.