Happy World Friendship Day 2022 from DVK PR & Marketing!

“The best companies encourage friendships in the workplace by creating the conditions under which such relationships thrive.” -Unknown

World Friendship Day might seem like something only kids or teenagers would celebrate. As people mature and get busy with their adult lives, they tend to overlook the professional relationships they’ve got. At DVK PR & Marketing, we value each and every team member and show appreciation to all their work. We believe cultivating a professional work environment comes hand in hand with building healthy relationships among employees.

In line with our mission of providing exceptional leadership to support and maintain integrity, we work in the best interest of our clients. We strongly believe in working hard for our business entities to capture all streams of media to optimize the potential success for our clients and partners. We make sure our team members are delightedly pursuing their passion, and providing nothing short of their best for all our clients. All these are best accomplished with each and every individual harmoniously working with each other.

How We Celebrate World Friendship Day at DVK PR & Marketing? 

In this day and age, where people work remotely, our company has developed a team of individuals from various cultures and ethnicities, who have become friends, and have each other’s back in all the tasks assigned to them. One complements the other, each team member’s efforts are one with the goal to provide our clients and partners what they need, while catering to their requests. At DVK PR & Marketing, we’re one with the entire world in celebrating this day.

Happy World Friendship Day from all of us at DVK PR & Marketing!