Can AI-Generated Content Rank on Google?

With the seemingly overnight success of Generative AI content – the whole world is set abuzz with the talk of LLMs (Large Language Models) like ChatGPT. As this technology spreads like wildfire, it raises some imperative questions, especially significant in the era of digital marketing where everyone is aiming for SEO-optimized results for their content.

SEO has ensued a race amongst businesses to rank higher. However, due to some conflicting statements from Google, their stance on AI-generated content remains ambiguous to content creators and digital marketers. Incidentally - can AI-generated content rank on Google? 

To cater to this question let's first delve into the basics.

What Is AI-generated Content?

Any content that is generated using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology – like the infamous ChatGPT – comes under the label of AI-generated content.

Generative AI technology uses algorithms to generate data that is grounded from user input. The variety of content produced ranges from simple text to media like audio and videos, as well as interactive features like virtual reality, scientific predictions, etc. – the possibilities are limitless.  

When SEO experts talk about Google’s detection abilities, they are referring to texts, but visuals generated by AI also contribute to the ranking process. So, the question of the decade remains:

Can AI-Generated Content Rank on Google?

In simple words, yes, AI-generated content can rank on Google.

Google recently revised its position on AI-generated content and the ambiguity surrounding its ranking capability. In the past, Google has talked about AI content as being against its guidelines, therefore with the many tools that can detect this type of content, it was a turn-off for many businesses.

In a further development, however, it has now maintained that its focus is on the quality of the content irrespective of how it is produced.

Google representatives explicitly stated, on the Google Search Central blog, that

“When it comes to automatically generated content, our guidance has been consistent for years. Using automation - including AI - to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of our spam policies. This said it's important to recognize that not all use of automation, including AI generation, is spam. Automation has long been used to generate helpful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts. AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity, and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web.”

 So, it really is a question of what you’re producing rather than how it’s being produced. Tools like ChatGPT can in fact be used without fear of being penalized. Though it is recommended by Google to indicate to readers when content is generated using AI.

Can Google Detect AI-Generated Content?

With the advancements in AI, and the corresponding pushback it has received from certain groups – mainly educators – resultant apps that deter detection, have also rocketed in fame.

This phenomenon begs the question – can Google detect if the content is AI generated?

The answer to this is – somewhat. Google can detect some of the AI content -  but not all, and it might not be able to do that at all in the future.

 Why Would Google Try to Detect AI Content?

As a search engine, Google exists to provide its users with quality results, this is hindered by spammy content to which AI-generated copy is a major contributor. This is mainly due to the fact that various LLMs provide low-quality content, ranking with keywords for only SEO purposes rather than providing their users with actual value. Therefore, Google strives to continually make for a better experience for its users by omitting this spam content from its SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages)

Although, as the quality of LLMs has risen, Google’s attitude has also changed in response, allowing for quality content, whether AI or human, that provides its users with value. ‍

Why Do SEOs Incline Towards Dodging Google Detection?‍

Many SEOs believe that Google is discriminative towards AI-generated content, no matter their official stance - or might change their position in the future - while others wish to avoid detection to further their spammy content.

Conversely, as the purpose of Google is to provide users with quality content, it does not make any sense to penalize AI-generated content if it is providing value, perhaps even more so than human-written content.

Defining Factors for Ranking of AI-Generated Content

Google uses the same metrics when discerning the value of AI-generated content that it does with human-written content. Its complex algorithms apply hundreds of ranking factors including relevance, quality, usefulness, backlinks, etc. Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines list the EEAT principles (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) as its Quality Raters.

As the advanced AI tools of today, like ChatGPT, have proven their worth in generating quality content, as well as figuring out trending topics and creating exceptional and attractive content, they have the potential to rank on Google's SERPs.  

Pros of AI-Generated Content

First and foremost, the most attractive quality of AI-generated content is the speed. This is further enhanced by the associated decrease in costs and resources.

With the success of these apps, the need for hiring staff is reduced - though not eliminated. These content generators can work wonders for small and big brands vying to further their marketing efforts while keeping a check on the associated costs. This tech allows them to provide 24/7 customer service that manifests quality without the investment of hiring additional labor. Furthermore, due to the variety of personalized content and formats that AI can produce, which includes images and videos, businesses can more effectively and efficiently target their desired audience, thus expanding their reach.

Cons of AI-Generated Content

Businesses should be wary of spammy content that AI is known to produce. When spam content is produced purely for ranking, it can lead to penalization and a damaged reputation.

A factor that still holds against AI-generated content is the robotic flow of its content which lacks the appeal of human-written content.

Ideal Approach to Content Generation

For AI content to work for your business, it is imperative to build a cultured workflow, with a skilled editorial team that uses AI as an aiding tool instead of the source of all content.

The success of Google as the top go-to search engine can be attributed to its focus on quality rather than quantity. When human-written content was at its peak, Google enhanced its tracking systems to reward quality content. This is the same approach it is taking now toward AI-generated content, thus ranking helpful, quality content, highly in its SERPs.

Considering the current content dynamics where AI has spread worldwide overnight, Google advises the users of LLMs to be mindful of its EEAT quality checks. Its “Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content” help page urges users of AI to keep the “Who, How, and Why” in focus when generating content.

  • “Who” entails the entity – human or otherwise – behind the content. It’s imperative to make this clear by giving credit and providing some detailed background.

  • In the “How” the procedure for the content creation must be made clear, whether human, AI, or a combination of both. In the case of AI involvement, the reason for its use must be explained. 

  • “Why” pertains to the objective of the content generation – whether it was to provide quality to its users or for entirely SEO ranking purposes.

Keeping these three traits in mind assures the creation of quality content, regardless of whether it was automated or human-generated. In turn, the content might be rewarded for its quality by achieving a high ranking.


In summation – AI-generated content can definitely rank on Google – and highly – provided it adheres to its quality standards.

Businesses trying to further their reach must abide by the EEAT principles when regurgitating endless content. For companies that want to use AI-generated content, creating original, high-quality content that is relevant to the users’ query is the key. This also means avoiding the use of AI to create spam content for SEO ranking. Instead of providing value for the company, it can result in a damaged reputation and penalties from Google. To optimize their quality, it is best that businesses create content that is educational, holds the readers' attention, is personalized, and enlightens and helps its readers.

The bounties of AI technology like LLMs are endless, but in order to succeed and achieve the most this technology has to offer, businesses need to be mindful of how it is used and implemented.

In combination with Google's quality checks, businesses should also take it upon themselves to behave ethically and think of their responsibility to society when dabbling in this technology. Instead of thinking purely about their rankings, businesses that actually care about their users and customers fare well in terms of furthering their market share by attracting more users through ethical stances in the highly “woke” culture of today.