Fathers Who Inspire 

Historically, there have been outstanding father role models who had inspired their families and communities as local heroes. Like a traditional heirloom passed by from one generation to another, they were also encouraged to keep it going by the future fathers of America.

A. Buddy Valastro’s Father Living Through Cake Boss 

Buddy Valastro’s father inspired him to take over the “Cake Boss’s” bakery when he was six years old. He stared at his daddy’s white, crisp baker's uniform and loved making dough from scratch to make delicious pastries. He loudly proclaimed he planned to take over the baking business someday.

Lobster Tails Mastered

When he was seventeen, his father passed away. He didn’t master the lobster pastry tails known as sfogliatelle. He couldn’t massage the pastry into proper layers. He had a dream when they were two “Buddies” working side-by-side, but his dad was there as well in spirit. 

Suddenly, in the dream, Buddy and his father came together as one, and Buddy’s father worked through his hands. He made the best lobster tail pastries from that point on. How’s that for inspiration? His dad enlightened him in his dreams. 

B. This Father Went the Extra, Extra Mile

Can you tell me this? How many fathers would drive three hours from their home to their son’s university to watch their son play in a coed football game? This father did and became an inspiration in his son’s life. 

He Inspired Them on a Rafting Trip Adventure 

He also drove his two sons to a launch for an adventurous rafting trip. The two boys launched the raft; and they soon developed a harmonious rhythm riding down the swirling rapids. They longed for their dad to see them in action. 

They came to the second bridge when their father waved them on. The boys approached the third bridge when their father had encouraged them further to keep going.  His sons never left his thoughts. 

C. Marine Dad’s Heartfelt Duty

A Career Marine from Childhood  

He dreamed of being a career Marine as his dad was a Navy veteran. His father inspired him to join the military. He graduated from college and became a Marine officer who dedicated his life to serving his country.

His Son Changed His Priorities

When Patrick was born, he was their first son. There were complications with Patrick’s birth; and they thought he may die before he ever started life. 

He developed meningitis and septic shock. He almost died from these two medical conditions, but he survived. 

The parents noticed Patrick didn’t develop as fast as other kids had. His father put his finger in his left hand, and it went limp. Something was seriously wrong. He had Cerebral Palsy which brought a new dynamic to his father’s life.   

Patrick Became His Life’s Duty. He quit the Marines and became a full-time caregiver for his precious son. His wife had a mild stroke, so he took care of her as well. How’s this for double inspiration?

D. Dad Changed My Life

She Never Stopped Missing Him

Her dad had died years earlier, but she still dearly missed him. He was a major player in her life. She remembered his love for playing his famous Hammond B3 organ.

He Inspired Their Neighbors With His Music

A couple who moved into the neighborhood came over to the house for a visit. They wanted to know where all the beautiful music came from. He played so heavenly, they had to meet this local maestro.

E. He Truly Talked the Talk

He Became America’s Road Captain

He drove for Conway Freight lines for twenty-eight years. Then He was nominated and picked as America’s Road Captain. A lifelong dream becomes reality. The position required a lot of public speaking. 

He Was Terrified of Public Speaking 

He almost quit the job, because he was scared of public speaking. But his daughter encouraged him and taught him how to speak powerfully in public. He overcame his fear, and now travels the country teaching people about road safety. 

Final Inspiring Thoughts

Five everyday fathers became heroes to their families and communities because they believed in their children made a difference in their lives.