Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is the process of receiving traffic from search results on search engines. This traffic is considered the free, organic, editorial or natural. Once search results are being paid for, now we are talking about Google Adwords or PPC.
Below are some tips to help get your website higher on search results.
Search engine optimization tips
Monitor where you stand
Links to home page
Have a sitemap
Google friendly URLs
No more Flash
Image Descriptions
Fresh Content
Use Social Media
Partner with other websites: links
While we do not make any promises getting your website to NUMBER 1 on the search engines, we do work our hardest with adding content, back links and optimizing content to have your site improve in the search results, and it starts with Keywords and Phrases.
It takes a lot of discipline to have organic search results. The most important part of SEO are the keywords however there are many technical and creative components. The keywords and phrases are important along with other sites linking to your site. Another huge component is making sure your site speaks in the search engines language so search results can find you.
Not only is it important to speak in the languages search engines understand but also in the language that your potential and current customers understand. Yes, this could literally mean their language, so having a way for the site to be translated to English or Spanish may be helpful but also in the "language" your customer wants to take in information. Would they like to read about your products or services? Or do they want to watch a video? Maybe they would rather see a picture or info-graphic. Do you have all the ways your customers want to receive information? The more ways you have, the greater the likeliness a visitor will convert.
If all the keywords, phrases, languages, etc are confusing to you, do no worry, we are here to help. Whether you want a free consultation to go over how to improve your SEO or if you would like us to help your business perform better in the search results. We are here to help.
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